Thank You for showing me Your will for my life
Verse of the Day
Let everyone stand in awe of him. Psalms 33:8 (NLT)
Dearest loving Abba Yahweh, today I choose to let go of past mistakes, failures and setbacks. I choose to set my eyes on You and move boldly into the good future You have prepared for me. Thank You for placing dreams and desires in my heart. I trust that You are at work to bring them to pass even when I can’t see it, even when it’s taking longer than I thought. I know that You are faithful, and I trust You completely. Thank You for filling me with the desire to please You. I know that as I follow Your promptings, You are leading me in the path of life. I love You and bless Your holy name. I choose to hear Your voice and step out of the boat. Thank You for bringing to pass the dreams in my heart.
Abba Father, today I choose to believe Your Word. I believe You are faithful to complete the good work You’ve started in my life. Help me overcome my fears. Instead of being fearful, help me to trust in Your faithful love. I give my life to You and ask You to guide me, protect me and set me free from the bondage of fear. Lord, I know that one of the purposes You have for me in this life is to know You. Help me carve out the time it takes to be “still” before You. Help me learn to embrace Your presence and enjoy union with You in quiet times together. Thank You for showing me Your will for my life. Help me to love others, really love them the way You do. Help me behave toward others the way You would have me to. Empower me Lord through Your Holy Spirit.
Loving Lord, today I want to pray for all who worry about the unpardonable sin. You know who they are, Lord. You know their inner turmoil and confusion. Please break through with your truth. Reassure them and comfort them. Let them know with confidence that, if they have turned to you through Christ, they are forgiven. I want also to pray for those who are resisting the work of your Spirit today. Though they may not be attributing your actions to Satan, they are nevertheless saying “No” to your grace. Help them, dear Lord, to be open to you and the renewing work of your Spirit. I want to thank you for the extraordinary gift of forgiveness. Thank you, Lord, for wiping my slate clean. Thank you for taking upon yourself my sin, giving me the gift of life in return. Help me to live above any worldly longings that I face today. Thank You for the longing that I do have to spend an eternity with You. Until that day comes give me the strength daily to serve and love You with all my heart. We ask this in the matchless name of Jesus Christ, Amen
Bible Promise of the Day
Those who are pure in heart will see My face. God promises we will see Jesus face to face
Blessed are the pure in heart, For they shall see God. – (Matthew 5:8)
Prayer Quote of the day
Real prayer is communion with God, so that there will be common thoughts between His mind and ours. What is needed is for Him to fill our hearts with His thoughts, and then His desires will become our desires flowing back to Him.
Author: A.W. Pink