O Lord, thank you for your patience with me.
Verse of the Day
Peter said, ‘I don’t have any silver or gold for you. But I’ll give you what I have. In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, get up and walk!’” Acts 3:6 (NLT)
Dearest loving Father, thank You for making me new! Thank You for ordering and directing my steps. I trust that You are at work in my life transforming me into Your image. Keep me close to You as I put You first in everything I do. Lord, thank You for working in my life. I thank You that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. I declare that Today Is A New Day, and You are going to do something special in my life. All praise and hone belongs to You, Lord. For the magnificent works of Your hands. You have made such beauty, and You have loved us enough to share it.
O Lord, thank you for your patience with me. Thank you for being so faithful and gracious. Thank you for guiding me even when I keep on trying to figure out the path for myself. Thank you for showing me again and again just how trustworthy you are. Thank you for all the ways you have guided my life, and for all the ways you are leading me still. Help me, Lord, to trust you, to walk when you say walk, to go when you say go, to wait when you say wait, to stop when you say stop. May every step I take honor you and follow your lead.
I give praise to You for Your uniqueness that sets You apart above all others who would claim to be God’s promised Messiah. Lord, help me today to be a testimony of Your uniqueness through my words and my actions so Christ will be seen in my life by my family and friends. In the marvelous name of our savior and Lord Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen
Bible Promise of the Day
I made the heavens by My Word and I breathed the stars into existence. God Promises He Can Provide For Our Needs
By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth. – (Psalm 33:6)
Prayer Quote of the day
God will fill the hungry because He Himself has stirred up the hunger. As in the case of prayer, when God prepares the heart to pray, He prepares His ear to hear (Ps. 10:17). So in the case of spiritual hunger, when God prepares the heart to hunger, He will prepare His hand to fill.
Author: Thomas Watson