I bring all my anxiety to You
Verse of the Day
“Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.” Romans 12:11 (NIV)
Dearest Abba Father, today I choose to honor You with my mind. I choose to guard my eyes and not watch anything that isn’t pleasing to You. I ask that You set me free of every stronghold so that I can live in peace, joy and victory. I choose to hold my peace. I choose to do the right thing even when the wrong thing is happening. I trust that You are fighting my battles for me. I give You all the honor and praise.
Lord, I know I need Your direction and Your guidance. I submit myself to you and desire to have Your Holy Spirit control my life. Help me commune and fellowship with You so I will be more and more under Your influence. You know my heart. You know how anxious I am. I bring all my anxiety to You. Console me I pray. Return me to joy. Thank You for the assurance that if I fight all my battles on my knees I will win every time. Thank You for this assurance and help me to spend the time I need each and every day to pray and expect great things from You by faith. Help us to see ourselves and our life clearly. Give us insight as we consider how we lead our life in this World. Give us the courage to be honest with ourselves and with you. Help us to learn how to be mature, effective and just. Whether in our workplaces, our churches, our cities, organizations, or our families, may our life honor and glorify you, Almighty God.
Lord, we thank you for all the ways you make yourself known to us. We thank you most of all for Jesus Christ, the Son who shows us the Father, the Incarnate Word who allows us to see God in human flesh. Lord, our hearts yearn for you. Our souls thirst for you. We wonder when we shall come and behold your face. We ache to know you more deeply than we know you today. Thank you for the promise for the certain hope that one day we will see your face. We look forward to that time. Help me this day, Lord, to know you truly, to live in relationship with you throughout the day. Through the grace of Jesus Christ, the High Priest, who is interceding for me before you, I pray. Amen
Bible Promise of the Day
I love you as deeply as a father loves his children. God Promises He Is Our Loving Heavenly Father
As a father pities his children, So the Lord pities those who fear Him. – (Psalm 103:13)
Prayer Quote of the day
God’s command to “pray without ceasing’ is founded on the necessity we have of his grace to preserve the life of God in the soul, which can no more subsist one moment without it, than the body can without air.
Author: John Wesley