I come today to follow, serve and love you

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Verse of the Day

My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever.  Psalms 73:26 (NLT)


Dearest Abba Father, today I lift my eyes to You. I know that You are the One who helps me and has given me an extraordinary future. I choose to stand in faith today knowing that You have a wonderful plan in store for me. Lord, I come to You today choosing to believe Your promises. Fill me with Your faith and patience to press through to victory. I give You all the glory. Lord, lead my heart today to a better understanding of how much You love me. I pray that my life will exemplify Your love and the patient endurance that comes from being secure in You.

Lord Jesus. I know I have taken Your love for granted. Forgive me. I come today to follow, serve and love you. Receive my worship and humble gratitude I pray. Today I turn my life completely over into Your hands. Father, you know how many doubts, fears, apprehensions cross my mind. I need you. I need your comfort. Come Lord Jesus, fill my heart with hope and cheer! Help me to be on guard in my daily life and help me to study and obey Your Word – the scripture – in a new and fresh way, so that I cannot be affected by the evil of this world and any false teaching that comes my way. I know that I will face many challenges and ordeals, Father, and I will try to accept them. Help me to be strong for those times, and to bring honor and glory to You.

Lord, thank you for making us as whole people, people of mind, heart and body. Thank you for the richness of life that comes when we live in ways that are deeply personal, when we invest all that we are in something that really matters. Father, help us to learn more about who you have made us to be and how we can devote all that we are to the responsibilities you entrust to us. Give us wisdom, Lord, to see ourselves as you see us so that we might grow to become more fully the people, the disciples you have created us to be. Father, thank You for creating me for joy. Help me to know the extent of Your love and how happy You are to call me Your own so that my joy will be full. Through the grace of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Bible Promise of the Day

When I open My hand, I provide for all that I created. God promises He can provide what we need for life

You open Your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing. – (Psalm 145:16)

Prayer Quote of the day

Sinning will stop praying; or praying will stop sinning.

Author: William Tiptaft

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