Today I choose to rejoice in You.

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Verse of the Day

Don’t let me drift toward evil.  Psalms 141:4 (NLT)


Dearest loving Father God,  today I choose to set my mind and focus on You. I choose to look for what You want to do in and through me. I let go of any wrong thinking, attitudes or actions that would hold me back from You. Lord, I thank You for the work You are doing in my life. Help me to keep the vision in front of me. Show me where to place my focus. Confirm Your Word with signs following as I stay on the course You have set for me. Today I hold on to joy. I refuse to give it up, and I refuse to let go of my peace. Give me Your strength today as I keep my heart and mind focused on Your love. Today I choose to rejoice in You. In all things, at all times, in every circumstance I will praise You. I release what I cannot control. I submit myself to You and thank You for the victory in every area of my life.

Lord, I want to trade my fears for faith. Today, when fear comes to my attention, I will seek You. I will seek You with all of my heart. Thank You that You promise to deliver me. I rejoice, dear God, for what You have done for me. Thank You for sending Your Son to this earth to pay the penalty for my sin. It is the ultimate and greatest gift that I will ever receive and I praise You for it. Thank You that we can celebrate Your resurrection every day because You have conquered death and You are risen from the grave and are alive today. Thank You for now preparing for me and my family a place in heaven to spend an eternity with You. Thank You that I can bring all my concerns to You. Thank You for giving me Your great love and casting out all my fears!

Abba Father, help us to worship you, not only by offering words that honor you, but also by giving ourselves to you fully, without holding anything back. Even today, when I go for my daily job, may I offer all that I am to you. May you be glorified in my life, in all I do and say, in all I think and feel. If I have hurt anyone this day, Lord, help me to make amends and to do better in the future. Let me repay no one evil for good, or evil for evil, either. Let my response always be one of love. Through the grace of Jesus Christ, the High Priest, who is interceding for me before you, I pray. Amen

Bible Promise of the Day

I am a gracious God who is righteous and full of mercy. God promises that He will be righteous, merciful and full of grace

Gracious is the Lord, and righteous; Yes, our God is merciful. – (Psalm 116:5)

Prayer Quote of the day

As God’s child advances spiritually be shall discover that the Lord’s time is as important as the Lord’s will. Do not rashly beget an Ishmael lest he become the greatest enemy to Isaac.

Author: Watchman Nee

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