Renew a right attitude in me by Your Spirit.

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Verse of the Day

Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up.  Proverbs 12:25 (NLT)


Dearest Abba Yahweh,  I come before You today with an open and humble heart, ready to receive all You have for me. Teach me to live a life that is pleasing to You so that I can be an example of Your love in the world around me. Thank You for Your grace, mercy and favor. I ask for increase of Your favor and blessing. Use me to be a blessing to others everywhere I go.  Lord, I want to grow spiritually and be more like You. I choose to trust You in times of adversity knowing that You are working things out for my good. Renew a right attitude in me by Your Spirit.

Thank you Lord that You have given me power, in the Holy Spirit, to overcome adversity, discouragement, and every Spiritual attack that besets me. Help me take my eyes off my past defeats and look to Your love and the power of Your resurrection available to me today. Thank You Lord that today I am more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus my Lord. Help me to spend the time needed in communication with You to be the chosen vessel You need to disciple new believers. Give me the wisdom and dedication to accomplish what You want from me. Bless my family and make us all disciples that can be used to be a blessing to others.

Father, how glad I am to belong to you. Thank you for accepting me as your own, not because of my works, but because of your grace in Christ. Help me, Lord, to see myself as belonging to you. May my relationship with you define who I am. May it put into right perspective all the other identities by which I am known. As I go through this day, as I do the work that is before me, as I relate to my colleagues, friends, and family members, may I do so as one who belongs to you. Help me to make the most of each day, Father. When I feel the urge to put off my commitment to You, fill me with the urgency and the joy of being in fellowship with You immediately. I pray in Your Son’s precious name. Amen

Bible Promise of the Day

I prepared a kingdom inheritance for you when I created the world. God promises He has prepared a Kingdom for us

Then the King will say to those on His right hand, “Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” – (Matthew 25:34)

Prayer Quote of the day

Faithful continued prayer is one key to answered prayer. As James expresses it, “You do not have, because you do not ask God” (James 4:2b).

Author: John F. Walvoord

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