You are my God and I put all my trust in You.

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Verse of the Day

I am poor and needy; may the Lord think of me. You are my help and my deliverer; O my God, do not delay. Psalms 40:17 (NIV)


Dearest Abba Father, thank You for another day to praise Your name. Thank You for all You have done in my life and for what You will do tomorrow. Help me to see Your hand of blessing as I continually acknowledge and praise Your name. Lord, I give You thanks and praise today for the promise of victory. Give me Your vision for the future so that I can move confidently into the abundant life You have for me. Father, I come to You today for safety. You are my refuge. You are my God and I put all my trust in You.

Father, I am so glad I can come before You and share all my burdens. I am so grateful for Your mercy and faithfulness. Thank You that they never cease but are new every morning. Praise You Lord. Lord, help me to be honest with You, to remain focused on You, to hear from You. I want to abide in You and have You abide in me. Forgive me when I go my own way, O God. I do not mean to be disobedient, but there are times when I just need to experience things for myself. Be patient while I learn my lessons, and protect me from lasting harm, I pray.  Lord, I desire to be found perfect and upright in Your sight. Keep me from allowing sin to have dominion over me and enable me to always give You first place in my life so that You can do Your perfect work in me.

Lord Jesus, thank you for calling us to follow you. Thank you for the privilege of being your disciples. Thank you for helping us to see our whole lives differently, from the perspective of your kingdom. Help us, Lord, to see our work as you see it. Give us a fresh vision for how our work matters in your kingdom. May we offer to you all that we do at work, for your purposes and your worship. No matter what our career, may we discover that we are first and foremost your disciples, your followers. Jesus, I present my prayer in Your precious name before my God, Father in heaven. Amen

Bible Promise of the Day

Never tire of doing good, for in time you will reap a harvest. God Promises He We Remember Our Good Works

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. – (Galatians 6:9)

Prayer Quote of the day

All that God is, and all that God has, is at the disposal of prayer. Prayer can do anything that God can do, and as God can do everything, prayer is omnipotent.

Author: R.A. Torrey

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