Lord, help me to hear Your voice

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Verse of the Day

When your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow.  James 1:3-4 (NLT)


Dearest loving Father, thank You for the gift of today. Today I will hold on to joy! I choose to live each day with peace and happiness. I choose to rely on Your strength and Your Word which guides my every step. I love You and thank You for directing me. I choose to focus on the blessing of each moment instead of allowing the little things to steal my joy. Keep me close to You always as I surrender every area of my heart and mind to You.  Lord, thank You for Your goodness and faithfulness in my life. Thank You for the people You have placed in my life to support and bless me. Show me how I can be a blessing to others and show my gratitude to the people I love. I  thank You for the grace to overcome in this life. I choose Your goodness. I choose Your ways. Help me to show Your love and walk in peace in every circumstance.

Abba Father, I  thank You for creating me to be Your disciple. Thank You for equipping me to live for You. I choose to live for You this day. I need a new melody of hope, joy and peace. I ask You to fill my heart with a song of Your love. Let others hear my praise and put their trust in You. Lord, I know that You can do more than I can imagine according to Your power that is within me. Speak to my heart, I pray. Lord, thank You for Your love and forgiveness. Thank You for freeing me from the punishment of sin. Thank You for Your salvation and making me pure and Holy in Your sight. Help me live today as a person that has been made right with You. Lord,  help me to hear Your voice. There is so much I need to know from You. Please help me listen. Help me hear what you desire to say to me so I will follow Your will for my life.

Father, we acknowledge your authority and control over all creations. You are the ultimate authority in our lives. We humbly submit to your authority, and the blueprint that you gave us through Jesus Christ your Son. Help us not to lean on our own strength and resources as a place of confidence, but rather in the humility of just being chosen by you to represent You in this world. Thank you for the grace to lead others to You by example, and to demonstrate your Kingdom to those around us. As you enlarge our spheres of influence, we commit to bringing you the glory that is due your name. In Christ’s name we pray, Amen.

Bible Promise of the Day

Your old life has died and your new life is hid with Christ in Me. God promises us, we have a new life in

For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. – (Colossians 3:3)

Prayer Quote of the day

Prayer is not only asking, it is an attitude of heart that produces an atmosphere in which asking is perfectly natural, and Jesus says, “every one that asketh receiveth.”

Author: Oswald Chambers

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