Thank You for freeing me from the punishment of sin

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Verse of the Day

He replied, ‘Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.  Matthew 17:20


Dearest Abba Yahweh, I commit my words to You today and choose to bless my future. Thank You for directing my steps. I keep my heart and mind focused on You. Thank You for Your faithfulness. You alone can satisfy me. Search my heart today and remove any doubt or uncertainty that would try to hold me back from the wonderful blessings You have in store for me. Thank You for calling me out into the deep. Today I surrender every area of my life to You. I choose to trust You knowing that You will show me Your wonders and glory. Lord, today I resist mediocrity. I choose to give my very best to everything I do. Teach me to live skillfully so that my life is a continual praise to You.

Loving Father, thank You for Your grace. I need Your Holy Spirit to give me more and more grace and peace as I grow in my knowledge of You and Jesus my Lord. Help me, guide me, instruct me, I pray. Lord, so many times during a day you call me by name, but I get too busy  with my worldly tasks and I do not hear you. So many times You wanted me to turn to You in my loneliness but I filled the void with noise. Lord, I am sorry. I want to hear you, I want to know you. Help me start today to convert my “desert of loneliness” into a “garden of solitude. Father, thank You for Your love and forgiveness. Thank You for freeing me from the punishment of sin. Thank You for Your salvation and making me pure and Holy in Your sight.

Help me live today as a person that has been made right with You. Help us as a family to learn first of all to respect You with all we have each moment of every day. Teach us to respect people, places and things that we see and meet today. Bless our family with a new and deep desire to serve You with all our hearts. Lord, I understand that the core of being a Christian is relationship with you. Lord, I thank You for being with me  in worship services, small groups in Bible study and prayer, in works of charity and service, in the loving community of your people. You are with me when I sit in front of my computer at work or spend time with friends in the evening. Help me, dear Lord, to be aware of your presence in these and other contexts. Keep me from becoming so wrapped up in ideas or actions that I neglect my relationship with you. Thank you, Lord, for your Spirit, who dwells within me. Though you are not physically present with me, you are here, so that I might be with you. What a gift you have given me! In the marvelous name of our savior and Lord Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen

Bible Promise of the Day

Your old life has died and your new life is hid with Christ in Me. God Promises Us, We Have a New Life in Christ

For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. – (Colossians 3:3)

Prayer Quote of the day

Prayer is not only asking, it is an attitude of heart that produces an atmosphere in which asking is perfectly natural, and Jesus says, “every one that asketh receiveth.”

Author: Oswald Chambers

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