Be the ruler of my life

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Verse of the Day

“Be still, and know that I am God.”  Psalms 46:10


Dearest loving Abba Father, I humbly come before You. I recognize that You are the source for everything I need in this life. Keep me close to You always and turn my heart and mind toward Your ways. Today I choose to put an end to worry in my life. I choose to feed my faith by studying Your Word. Help me to totally trust in You today and always. Thank You for being my Deliverer. I trust that You have a good plan for me, and You will deliver me out of all affliction. Thank You for the privilege to boldly come before Your throne of grace. I humbly ask You for wisdom, for understanding, for Your direction. Thank You for setting me free from condemnation. Thank You for believing in me and filling me with Your vision for my life. Help me to see myself and others the way You do.

Loving Lord Jesus, You said not to let my heart be troubled, but instead to believe in You. You said that You have gone ahead and have prepared a place for me. You said that You are the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through You. I come today, confessing that my attitudes and behavior have separated me from You. I ask Your forgiveness. Thank you that You died on the cross for my wrong doing and I now receive Your gift of eternal life. Be the ruler of my life. Lord, so often my heart and soul are paralyzed with sin, apathy and despair. Come heal me today. Draw me to Yourself. Save me.

Father, thank You for the death and resurrection of Christ. Please help me increase my faith and live a life that is an expression of Your love. Forgive me for my doubt and apathy. Help me live as Your servant. I want to know and believe that everything You say about me is true. Thank you for never giving up on us and for the truth that you who began a good work in us will be faithful to finish the work until our Lord’s second coming. Make us a more patient people as we grow in confidence that you are for us and that you have not abandoned us. Use us to bring healing to our fractured nation and world as we continually seek the reconciling power of Jesus. We long to see your goodness in our lives and in the lives of the people around us. Give us the patience to wait on the Spirit to enlighten us and empower us. Open my eyes that I may see unexpected opportunities to serve You. Help me to be willing to reach out to someone in need that can use any talent that You have given me. In the Sweet and mighty name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen

Bible Promise of the Day

All of mankind can find protection in the shadow of My wings. God promises He will protect, shelter and strengthen us

How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of Your wings. – (Psalm 36:7)

Prayer Quote of the day

A little lifting of the heart suffices; a little remembrance of God, one act of inward worship are prayers which, however short, are nevertheless acceptable to God.

Brother Lawrence

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