Thank You for giving me new life

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Verse of the Day

If we claim we have no sin, we are only fooling ourselves and not living in the truth. But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.  I John 1:8-9 (NLT)


Loving Mighty God, I come and bow before You. I worship You for You are Holy, Holy, Holy. Truly You deserve all my praise. I love You, Almighty Lord. Today I surrender my questions; I surrender my past; I surrender my need to have all the answers. Today I choose to trust that You have all the answers, and You will reveal all things in time. Thank You for empowering me by Your Holy Spirit. Thank You for giving me new life. I choose to let go of the past. I won’t let it define me, but I will let Your truth define me and lead me into victory. Thank You for loving me and calling me Your own. I choose to receive Your Word which is life, health and strength to me. Fill me with Your peace and wisdom and help me see myself the way You see me.

Abba Father, how I thank You for the death of Your son so I can come boldly into Your presence and find all the love, peace and joy I will ever need. Let me sense Your presence in my life today. Today I surrender every area of my heart, mind and life to You. Have Your way in me. Order my steps and let everything I am bring glory to You. I pray that You would help me trust You and the power you have available for me. I believe in You Lord, but I need help with my unbelief. I really want to experience Your power alive in every aspect of my life. Thank You Lord, for giving me everything I need in order to live for You. I pray that Your Holy Spirit will guide me and empower me to live, love, have faith and live pure in a way that pleases You. As your Spirit guides me, help me to align my right beliefs with right actions so that your goodness might be revealed to a world in need.

Lord, I do not understand the way things work sometimes, and I do not like to experience pain and suffering. Help me to see Your hand in all things. Grant me understanding. Help my family to let the power of the cross do its work in our lives every day. May we be a family that with every step we take and every word we say be motivated by the mighty work of God in our lives. Merciful Father, Our God who is love, fill us with Your Spirit. Help us live as Jesus did. Empower us to love with Your love! Lord, I’m excited to see what You have planned for me in the coming days. Whatever I face, I will not be intimidated. I will begin every day of my life by seeing myself as You do—happy, healthy, and prosperous. In the marvelous name of our savior and Lord Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen

Bible Promise of the Day

I do not show partiality in My family. God Promises He will not show partiality in His family

And you, masters, do the same things to them, giving up threatening, knowing that your own Master also is in heaven, and there is no partiality with Him. – (Ephesians 6:9)

Prayer Quote of the day

History belongs to the intercessors – those who believe and pray the future into being.

Author: Walter Wink

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