Guide me into a deeper relationship with you

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Verse of the Day

May he grant your heart’s desires and make all your plans succeed.  Psalms 20:4


Dearest loving Abba Yahweh, today I dedicate every area of my mind, will and emotions to You. Help me live my daily life as an example of Your love. Let me honor You in all I do so that my daily life wins the respect of others. I know that You hold the days of my life in the palm of Your hand. I believe that You have equipped me with everything I need for spirit, soul and body. Thank You for the strength I need to overcome in every area of my life. Thank You for being close to me today and giving me Your comfort and peace. Thank You for filling me with the desire to please You. I acknowledge You and yield my heart to You so that I can bring You glory in everything I do. I know that as I follow Your promptings, You are leading me in the path of life. I love You and bless Your holy Name.

Abba Father, today I choose joy. Fill me from the top of my head to the depth of my soul with joy. Help me rejoice today in my wellbeing in You. Help me rejoice today, dear God, in who You are, and that I am Your child. Help me rejoice that all my sins are forgiven, that You know me personally and love me unconditionally. Pour into my heart a sense of Your presence. Help me imagine who You really are. Forgive me for making You so small. Enlarge my vision today, I pray. Help me begin to behold your beauty. Help me know you, hear you, fellowship with you. Help me trust you, commit myself to you, help me love you. Lord I know this is a process, but it is one I deeply desire. Start today Father, guide me into a deeper relationship with you.

Help me, Lord, to act and think today with proper motives. It is my prayer that You will reveal the sins in my life, that would affect my motives, so that I can help others with pure motives and with the love in my heart that only you can give. Remove from me a malicious and gossiping nature, Lord. Fill me with praise and joy and spiritual thoughts. Let my words bless others with kindness and love. Abba Father, help me and the church I attend, exercise more faith. Help me and the church I attend, love more people. Help my faith and love grow as I serve You. In the marvelous name of our savior and Lord Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen

Bible Promise of the Day

I will give you power to know the vastness of My immeasurable love. God Promises We Can Know the Vastness of His Love

That Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. – (Ephesians 3:17-19)

Prayer Quote of the day

Sincerity is the same in a corner alone, as it is before the face of the world. It knows not how to wear two vizards, one for an appearance before men, and another for a short snatch in a corner; but it must have God, and be with him in the duty of prayer. It is not lip-labour that it doth regard, for it is the heart that God looks at, and that which sincerity looks at, and that which prayer comes from, if it be that prayer which is accompanied with sincerity.

Author: John Bunyan

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