Fill me with Your forgiveness
Verse of the Day
For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10 (NIV)
Dearest loving Abba Yahweh, I receive Your Word into my heart today. Thank You for choosing to bless me so that I can be a blessing to others. Show me where I can give to others and teach me to receive all You have for me. Thank You for Your life-changing power and strength. Give me eyes to see myself and others the way You see them, from the inside out. You said the path of the righteous gets brighter and brighter. You said no good thing will You withhold because I walk uprightly before You. You said because I delight myself in You, You will give me the secret petitions of my heart. Thank You for being in control of my life and for the good things You have in store for my future. Thank You for filling me with Your Holy Spirit. I receive Your strength. I receive Your power. I believe Your Word and trust that You are leading me forward into victory.
Abba Father, thank You for Your love for me. Thank You for the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ that has made it possible for me to come boldly to You. I come now boldly and confidently into Your presence to receive afresh all Your love and understanding. Lord, I know I am in a spiritual battle and need to know, believe and live the truth. Help me keep my conscience clear with You. Convict me of sin and by Your grace, lead me to repentance. Thank You, that if I confess my sins, You are faithful and willing to forgive me of every transgression. I thank You that You know me and have everything I need to live a happy and fulfilled life. Please fill me with Your Spirit. Show me the way of life and grant me the joy of being in Your presence.
Be with me, Lord, as I stand alone in a world gone crazy. There are times when I can find no one who seems to care, no one willing to help. In those times, reach down to give me aid. Help me today to get rid of any deceit in my life. May others always see Christ through me and take away from me all thoughts and actions that may be dishonest, misleading or deceitful to others. Father, today I let go of all the thoughts, all the negative self-images, all the nagging doubts and condemnation that is stopping me from accepting Your unconditional love. Fill me with Your forgiveness. Overwhelm me with the joy You have over me. I thank You that You are not ashamed of me and that I am precious in Your sight. Today, I wash myself clean in Your grace, forgiveness and love. I desire to be loved by You dear Father and choose to trust that You will help me understand Your love in deep and meaningful ways. I pray in Jesus’ precious name. Amen
Bible Promise of the Day
My face will shine upon you all the days of your life. God Promises His face shall shine upon us
The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace. – (Numbers 6:24-26)
Prayer Quote of the day
A man who prays much in private will make short prayers in public.
Author: D.L. Moody