Make me pliable so that I will respond to Your plans and purposes for me
Verse of the Day
For he will conceal me there when troubles come; he will hide me in his sanctuary. He will place me out of reach on a high rock.– Psalm 27:5 (NLT)
Dearest Abba, Father, thank You for Your Word of truth which sets me free and deposits faith in my heart. I lift up my eyes to You. I turn my focus toward Your Word and invite You to have Your way in every area of my life. Lord, I thank You for placing Your dreams and desires within me and for creating a plan to bring them to pass. Even when I can’t see a way, I trust that You are making a way.
Abba Father, I do not understand the way things work sometimes, and I do not like to experience pain and suffering. Help me to see Your hand in all things. Grant me understanding. Thank You for the examples that are in Your Word concerning my need to be bold about my relationship with You. Help me to respond to every opportunity that comes my way to be bold about my relationship with You. Thank You that I can learn through the chastening You choose to give me. Help me to learn through these experiences to be more Christ-like in order that my life might be a testimony of Your love to a world that needs you.
Gracious Father, if I am feeling rushed today and trying to honor my schedule, I need Your eyes to help me see and Your leading to help me respond to an interruption as an opportunity from You. Make me pliable so that I will respond to Your plans and purposes for me. Give me the strength today to build a stronger relationship with You. Help me to be a guiding light to my family and my friends that they will see through me what a true relationship with You really means. You are good, and today I declare that Your gracious hand is upon every area of my life. We ask this in the matchless name of Jesus Christ so that He be glorified through us, Amen
Bible Promise of the Day
We don’t need to be afraid or fearful. God promises heavenly peace.
“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27, NKJV.
Prayer Quote of the day
The prayer of faith is a prayer willing to believe and prevail for God’s answer in a situation that is utterly impossible. Regardless of the difficulty of the situation, you require no external confirmation but believe God in spite of appearance. Your eyes are on God, not on the situation.
Author: Wesley L. Duewel