Keep a watchful eye upon me, a foolish sheep

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Verse of the Day,

Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name.– Psalm 100:4 (NLT)


Thank You Almighty God, for sending Your Son to this earth to be my Messiah. Help me to communicate today to all my friends, the good news of our Messiah who came to this earth and is in heaven today preparing a place for those of us who have accepted Jesus, Your Son, as our Savior.

Lord Jesus Christ, all praise, glory, and honor be to you. For you conquered death, breaking its power as you were raised from the dead. Your faithfulness in death led to your exaltation in new life. You are exalted above all creation. Every knee in heaven and earth will bow before your glorious sovereignty. Hallelujah! May we know in mind, heart, and experience the power of your resurrection that is available to us. Help us to live so that your power may be expressed in our lives. Do in and among us more than all we can ask or imagine.

Almighty God, I pray that I may have a true appreciation of the quality of life. Reveal to me my responsibilities and help me to make them my opportunities. Keep me in search of thoughts and deeds that will increase the delight of my soul. Lord, I wander off sometimes, but I always want to be with You. Keep a watchful eye upon me, a foolish sheep. Herd me back to the fold, where I am always safe and warm. By your grace, may I see my life not as my own story but rather as a chapter in your story, lived for your purposes and glory

To you, risen Lord, be all praise, glory, and honor on this great day, and every day. Amen.

Bible Promise of the Day

If you help the poor, your light will shine like the dawn. God Promises that we will receive blessings when we give our hearts to Him

Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, And that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out; When you see the naked, that you cover him, and not hide yourself from your own flesh? Then your light shall break forth like the morning, Your healing shall spring forth speedily, and your righteousness shall go before you; The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard (Isaiah 58:7-8)

Prayer Quote of the day

We shall never see much change for the better in our churches in general till the prayer meeting occupies a higher place in the esteem of Christians.

Author: Charles Spurgeon

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