Convict my heart with the determination to spend time with You.

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Verse of the Day

God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him.– 1 John 4:9 (NLT)


My Dearest Abba, Father, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, I come to You today and invite You to fill my whole being. I worship  and honor You because, You are my strength and my protection, my shelter  in  times of trouble. Thank you for sending Your only begotten son to the World to save me from my sins. Give me Your lasting comfort and strength. Empower me by Your Holy Spirit to live in the victory You have established for me. My Gracious Father, keep within me that cheer and courage which never has a place for weary murmurings; and with peace make the hours of solitude profitable as they pass. Help me to seek those who are in need of sympathy and encouragement, that I may help them to have a tranquil life.

Convict my heart with the determination to spend time with You. Let nothing come between us, O Lord. When other things demand my time, remind me that I gave myself to You first because you gave your life for me. Help me to grow and mature in my faith, Lord. Turn my attention to the needs of others. Turn my selfishness into selflessness.

O Lord, You are  the Alpha and the Omega of every year, month, day, hour, and act of my life. Let all things be begun, continued and ended in You. Amen

Bible Promise of the Day

I will rescue the godly from all their troubles. God Promises He can Rescue Us from Destruction

Then the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations and to reserve the unjust under punishment for the day of judgment. – (2nd Peter 2:9)

Prayer Quote of the day

The truths that I know best I have learned on my knees. I never know a thing well, till it is burned into my heart by prayer.

Author: John Bunyan

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