Light my way, dear God, and keep me from stumbling down the wrong path

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Verse of the Day

O our God, we thank you and praise your glorious name!– 1 Chronicles 29:13 (NLT)


Eternal Father God, I pray that thou wilt graciously restore my spirits if I may have settled into despondency over my disappointments. May I have the will to rise above them, and patiently strive for renewed hope.

Thank you Jesus for serving me and loving me, most of all through Your death on the cross. As I gratefully receive the benefits of your servanthood, may I follow your lead by becoming a servant to others. Give me a servant’s heart, Lord. Show me how I can serve people in ways that matter. In particular, help me to serve those whom I’m privileged to lead in my work, as well as in the rest of life. Help your people, Lord, to love one another in word and deed. Help me! Lord, help us to ponder upon this truth today and long to be more like you. Whenever I try to do right, it seems like someone finds fault with me. Help me to ignore the insults and remain true to what I feel You want me to do. Protect me, Lord.

Thank You that the Bible, Your Word, is not only perfect and true but powerful. Give me the leadership and boldness today to teach my family and friends the value of the Bible for their lives. Lead me to the right people and give me the right verses from Your Word to make an impact on their lives. Light my way, dear God, and keep me from stumbling down the wrong path. Keep me from my own folly. All praise, glory, and honor be to you, Lord Jesus. Amen.

Bible Promise of the Day

Our Lord God promises that you will live longer if you honor your father and mother

Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you. (Exodus 20:12)

Prayer Quote of the day

When someone acts weak, negligent, or casual in a duty – performing it carelessly or lifelessly, without any genuine satisfaction, joy, or interest – he has already entered into the spirit that will lead him into trouble. How many we see today who have departed from warmhearted service and have become negligent, careless, and indifferent in their prayer life or in the reading of the Scriptures. For each one who escapes this peril, a hundred others will be ensnared. Then it may be too late to acknowledge, “I neglected private prayer,” or “I did not meditate on God’s Word,” or “I did not hear what I should have listened to.”

Author: John Owen

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