I want to love You for who You are

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Verse of the Day

I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints.  Ephesians 1:17-18 (NIV)


Dearest loving Father in Heaven, today I release every care, concern, offense and disappointment to You. I choose to keep the peace that You have given me knowing that with You, my best days are ahead. Thank You for loving, accepting and approving me just as I am. I know You are doing a work in my life, and I ask for the strength and confidence to overlook offense so that I can honor You in everything I do. Thank You for empowering me to pick up from this temporary place and move forward toward the dreams and goals You have for me. Thank You for transforming me into Your image. I know that I am not like the world, I am set apart for You. Help me to love like You and be a light everywhere I go.

Abba Father, Lord, You know all about my situation. You know my worries, fears and anxious thoughts. Help me stand firm. Help my heart not to be troubled. I do believe in You, dear God. I come now and trust You with all my life. Free me from my reoccurring fears. Help me today to realize that You are here, and so am I. Help me, Lord, to see that I survived and with You, my past fears can lose their grip on my life. Make it so, dear Lord. I cast all my worries on You because You care for me!  Lord, You know how anger comes so easily for me. You know how I struggle to trust You, to let You take charge of my life especially in negative situations. Forgive me. Help me trade my anger for compassion, my bitterness for forgiveness, my rage for love. Help me live the way You would have me live.

Thank you Lord, for the way that you continually, day by day, supply all my needs. Help me to understand that it is because of my lack of faith that I limit you for what you want to do in my life and through my life. Make me a channel for you to bless others today. Don’t let me waste time, but let me use every moment to the fullest. Help me to appreciate my life, and teach me new ways to use my time. Thank You for all my blessings. Help us, Lord, to be faithful in small things. Use us for your purposes. Glorify yourself in us and all that we do in every arena of life. Father, today, I just want to love You. I want to love You for who You are. Forgive me for attaching strings to my love. Holy Spirit, guide me into a deeper love for the Triune God today. Through Jesus Christ, we say this prayer. Amen

Bible Promise of the Day

I hear your voice when you call to Me in the morning. God Promises He hears us when we call

My voice You shall hear in the morning, O Lord; In the morning I will direct it to You, And I will look up. – (Psalm 5:3)

Prayer Quote of the day

To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.

Author: Martin Luther

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