Thank You for watching over me

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Verse of the Day

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.  Philippians 4:6 (NLT)


Dearest Abba Yahweh, I give my situation over to You today knowing with You all things are possible. All of my hopes and dreams are in Your hands, and I will no longer limit You in my thinking. I choose to see my dreams through eyes of faith and believe they will come to pass. Thank You for working supernaturally on my behalf. Father, I know what you´ve put on the inside of me. By faith I see the dreams you´ve given me coming to pass, no matter what my circumstances are. I am full of Your power and I´m ready to become everything you created me to be.

Lord, I realize how far I have strayed from You. I am aware of my wrongdoing. I know Jesus died for me. Please forgive me of all my sins. I accept Christ’s gift of eternal life. I believe Christ rose again from the dead and I want to become a Christian right now. Thank You Lord Jesus for coming into my life and making me a new person right now. Thank You for watching over me. Thank You for helping me see the error of my way and leading me to repentance. Today, help me live for You. Help me today not to be indifferent to God’s leading in my life. May my heart be open to what God is telling me to do. Help me to willingly surrender fully and completely to You. Give me the leadership with my family to instill a new interest in their hearts for You.

Lord, thank You that You created me as a masterpiece for Your purposes. Help me believe that You love me and see me as significant, full of value and deeply loved. Fill me with a deep self-love that gives You all the glory and lives to fulfill the work you have planned out for me. Lord, you have made us and saved us to live for the praise of your glory. We are meant to worship you with all that we are, including our work. Thank you for the opportunity both to share in your work in the world and to worship you through our work. Lord, we recognize, however, our tendency to make work something more than a way to worship you. We can give ourselves so completely to work that we make it an idol. Work becomes our top priority, our primary purpose in life. Forgive us when we do this, Lord. And teach us how to work for you and your purposes in all we do. Help us to worship you in our work. To you be all the glory! I pray in Your Son’s precious name. Amen

Bible Promise of the Day

I am your Father and you are My handiwork. God promises that He is our father and we are  his handiwork

But now, O Lord, You are our Father; We are the clay, and You our potter; And all we are the work of Your hand. – (Isaiah 64:8)

Prayer Quote of the day

Nowhere can we get to know the holiness of God, and come under His influence and power, except in the inner chamber. It has been well said: “No man can expect to make progress in holiness who is not often and long alone with God.”

Author: Andrew Murray

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