Help me consider your deep love for me
Verse of the Day
Make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. II Peter 1:5-7
Dearest loving Father in heaven, thank You for filling me with Your Peace and joy. Have Your way in my heart and remove anything that displeases You. Help me to clearly hear Your voice so I can walk in all of Your ways. Lord, I choose to trust in You. Even when things don’t go the way I planned, I know You are at work in my life. Thank You for Your perfect love which casts out all fear. I love You and surrender every area of my life to You .
Abba Father, the people around me do not always understand why I feel the way I do or believe the things I do. Help me to accept that. Help me to be secure in my faith. Let me be an example of faith in a world full of doubt. Lord, thank you for being a master weaver, one who takes the threads of our lives and turns them into a stunning tapestry. Thank you for using even the bad things that happen to us for ultimate good.
Loving Father, you know all about my anger. You also know about my wounds and other emotions that are really bothering me. Help me Lord. Heal me Lord of these painful emotions. Help me know the truth of Your great love for me that I might not give a foothold to the devil. Lord, forgive me for grieving Your heart. I have been so selfish and ungrateful. Help me consider your deep love for me so it will motivate me to glorify You with the way I live. Keep me from allowing sin to have dominion over me and enable me to always give You first place in my life so that You can do Your perfect work in me. As I live my life today, may I trust you with everything. May I live without worry or fear. May I offer all that I am to you with faith and freedom. Jesus, I present my prayer in Your precious name before my God, Father in heaven. Amen
Bible Promise of the Day
The world and its passions will disappear, but those who do My will shall live forever. God Promises He Will Abide Forever
And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever. – (1st John 2:17)
Prayer Quote of the day
Repeatedly place your pet opinions and prejudices before God. He will surprise you by showing you that the best of them need refining and some the purification of destruction.
Author: Charles H. Brent