Lead me in Your path of life and victory
Verse of the Day
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express-Romans 8:26(NIV)
Dearest loving Abba Yahweh, I choose to meditate on Your goodness today. Thank You for loving and saving me. Thank You for redeeming my life from the pit. I give You everything that I am today. Lord, search my heart today. Remove anything that stands in the way of my love for You. I choose to willingly obey You and thank You for giving me Your best. Thank You for Your Word which is truth that sets me free and light that guides my path. I choose to follow Your Word because I love and honor You. Give me Your strength and great peace today. Thank You for Your Spirit that lives inside of me. I choose Your guidance today. Speak to my heart and show me Your love. Lead me in Your path of life and victory.
Today, Father, I come to praise You. I praise You for Your greatness. I praise You for Your majesty. I praise You for Your awesome power. Worthy are You Lord to receive all my praise. Forgive me for having idols that keep me away from You. Today, I desire a relationship with You. I will turn away from those things that have stolen my heart and renew my affection for You. Thank You for not keeping a record of my wrongs. Instead, I bring my sins to You and ask You to forgive me and set me free. Help me to acknowledge the evil in my heart so that I might confess it to you. Cleanse me, I pray. Deliver me from evil. Help me today dear Lord, to use the abilities that You have blessed me with to Your glory. May all those that I meet see Christ through me. May each family member and each friend do all they can today to reach out to help someone in need. Help me to grow in You and to be mature in my Christian walk.
Abba Father, you see everything in my life. My heart is an open book to you. You know all of those things that pollute my inner being and flow out into my daily life. So I ask you, Lord, to cleanse my heart. Show me what I need to confess to you so that I might be forgiven and healed. Purify my heart, dear Lord, so that I might be wholly devoted to you. I praise you because you are more than a good teacher, though you alone have the words of life. I praise you because you are more than a compassionate healer, though you once healed the sick and have done so for me as well. Today I praise you, Lord Jesus, because you are “I am,” the Lord of heaven and earth made flesh. You are indeed Immanuel, God with us. Thus, you are worthy of my praise, my worship, and my whole life given to you. All praise be to you, Jesus the Lord, I AM! Amen
Bible Promise of the Day
My Spirit will rest on you when you suffer for Christ’s sake. God Promises He will strengthen those who preach the gospel
If you are reproached for the name of Christ, blessed are you, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. On their part He is blasphemed, but on your part He is glorified. –(1st Peter 4:14)
Prayer Quote of the day
We should go into His presence as a child goes to his father. We do it with reverence and godly fear, of course, but we should go with a childlike confidence and simplicity.
Author: Martyn Lloyd-Jones