I surrender my life to You
Verse of the Day
I love the LORD because he hears my voice and my prayer for mercy. Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath! Psalm 116:1-2 (NLT)
Dearest loving Abba Yahweh, today I surrender my thoughts and mind to You. Help me retrain my thoughts so that they are in line with Your will for my life. I choose to have a positive attitude of faith and expectancy and thank You for empowering me to enjoy the good life You have for me. Today I choose to focus my thoughts on You. I choose to treasure Your Word so that my actions will show how much I love You. Thank You for Your promise to renew my strength. I choose to wait on You. I choose to trust You. I choose to prepare for You to move mightily in my life. Thank You for Your hand of blessing on my life today. I open my heart to You and trust that You have a good plan for me. Give me a heart filled with faith and hope today
Dear Lord, You know my condition. I am weary and in need of renewal. I am so glad that You have invited me to come to You for rest. So I come to You even now, Jesus. I know that You are gentle and humble in heart and will give me rest for my soul. I put my soul into Your capable hands. Help me and heal me. Today I rejoice in this wonderful relationship I have with you. Thank You for declaring me Your friend. Let me remember not only the good things in life, but also the bad. The good helps me to rejoice, the bad helps me avoid making the same mistakes again. Lord, let me learn from my mistakes. I surrender my life to You. Use me, live through me. Guide me and help me fulfill Your purpose for my life. Help me, by your Spirit, to live each day in light of Lord. May my action in every part of life reflect my Lord Jesus.
Thank You for the evidence that You left not only in Your Word but through those who met You after Your resurrection that You are alive. I know You are alive for You live in the hearts of all those who love You. Thank You for enabling me to see you and have relationship with you through faith. I ask you to help me know you more truly. As I read your whole Word, may I come to know you as you are, not as I would like you to be. Help me to see you clearly so that I might serve you more completely in every part of my life. To you be all the glory. Through the grace of Jesus Christ, the High Priest, who is interceding for me before you, I pray. Amen
Bible Promise of the Day
I am able to do more for you than you could possibly imagine. God Promises He Can Do More Than We Can Imagine
Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us. – (Ephesians 3:20)
Prayer Quote of the day
Christ holds that prayer is a tremendous power which achieves what, without it, was a sheer impossibility. And this amazing thing you can set into operation. And the fact that you are not so using it, and simply don’t believe in it and its efficiency and efficacy as our fathers did, and that so many nowadays agree with you, is certainly a major reason why the churches are so cold, and the promises seem so tardy of fulfillment.
Author: A.J. Gossip