Help me run the race You have put me in, with endurance

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Verse of the Day

Then Jesus declared, ‘I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry. John 6:35 (NIV)


Dearest loving Father in heaven, today I choose to trust You and step out in faith. I know that You are with me and parting the seas of the unknown in front of me. Show me Your glory as I honor and obey You in everything I do. Thank You for setting me free in every area of my life. I declare today that nothing can hold me back. I declare that You have set me free! Thank You for freedom and victory in every area of my life. Thank You for Your Word that is living and active and growing in my life. I submit myself to You today. Teach me Your ways. Give me insight into Your Word so that I may know You more. Lord, I give You my every thought, word and action. Help me, Holy Spirit, to live a life pleasing to You in every way. Help me to guard my mouth and keep my life moving forward in a godly direction.

Abba Father, through the power of the Holy Spirit who lives in me, I pray that I would bring You glory in all that I do. I pray that You would live Your will in and through me. You have heard my confession. I thank You for the call You have on my life. Help me today, to focus on You and the mission of love You have me on. Loosen everything from me that prohibits me from living the way You want me to. Help me run the race You have put me in, with endurance, keeping my eyes on You.  Lord, I thank You that You have called me to be like You, a lover of people. Help me see others through Your eyes and then give me the strength and grace to do all I can to help them.

Loving Father, forgive me for the times I have resisted Your Spirit’s voice. The times I have stubbornly gone my own way. I repent. Help me to renew Your fellowship. Help me to receive Your comfort and hear Your voice of reason and instruction. Might I live for You I pray. I recognize You today as my only hope for today and the future. I stop now to praise Your name for the everlasting hope that You provide. Lord Jesus, thank you for the power of the kingdom of God. Thank you for evidence of your power at work in history, in the church, and in my life. By your grace and wisdom, pour out even more of your power upon me, so that I might serve you more faithfully and effectively. I long to experience the fullness of your power. But, in the meanwhile, I am grateful for all you are doing in me and throughout the world. All praise be to you, Lord Jesus, through whom the kingdom of God has come and is coming! In the marvelous name of our savior and Lord Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen

Bible Promise of the Day

When I open My hand, I provide for all that I created. God Promises He Can Provide What We Need for Life

You open Your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing. – (Psalm 145:16)

Prayer Quote of the day

The man who mobilizes the Christian church to pray will make the greatest contribution to world evangelization in history.

Author: Andrew Murray

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