Thank You for making a way when there seems to be no way

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Verse of the Day

Do not stay so far from me, for trouble is near, and no one else can help me. Psalms 22:11 (NLT)


Dearest loving Abba Father, thank You for empowering me to live in victory today. I choose to take my life back by taking captive every thought and submitting it to You. Thank You for Your Word that is living and active and growing in my life. I submit myself to You today and ask You to teach me Your ways. Give me insight into Your Word so that I may know You and increase in faith. Thank You for ordering my steps. Thank You for making a way when there seems to be no way. I choose to step out today with faith and expectancy knowing that You have marked moments for my future. Thank You for blessing me and calling me according to Your purposes. I receive Your Word which is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. I will hide Your truth in my heart that I might not sin against You.

Abba Father, thank You for supplying all of my needs according to Your riches in glory. I submit my resources to You today and ask You to show me where I can sow seeds and be a blessing to those around me. Lord, thank you for Your everlasting Word. I know that it was written to give me wisdom and guidance. Help me to read it, learn it and use it every day. Thank You for equipping me with everything I need to do Your will. Thank You for Your power that You make available to me so that I can do every good thing that is pleasing to You. Give me the strength to live for You this day. Give me the wisdom to know what to do, the courage to follow through and the faith to trust You with the outcome. Father, I have many plans but I ultimately need to know what plans you want me to follow. Help me to not assume that my best-laid plans are what you desire. Reveal to me your priorities and as I align myself to your will may I experience the blessings you promise to those faithfully seeking you.

Loving Father, today I give You thanks and praise for Your promise of victory. Give me Your vision for the future so that I can move confidently into the abundant life You have for me. Help me to always keep my eyes on You so that my faith does not waver. Help me not to look down, away from You, and stumble. Thank You for the joy and peace that I have because I believe in You. Lord, nothing can compare with You. In my life I have experienced wonderful things, but none so wonderful as Your love. Help me live a life that is pleasing to You, Jesus, today and every day. We ask this in the matchless name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Bible Promise of the Day

I began the good work in you and I will finish it. God promises to complete His good work in us

Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. – (Philippians 1:6)

Prayer Quote of the day

Prayer is the offering up of our desires to God in the name of Christ, for such things as are agreeable to his will. It is an offering of our desires. Desires are the soul and life of prayer; words are but the body; now as the body without the soul is dead, so are prayers unless they are animated with our desires.

Author: Thomas Watson

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