Prayer diary

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Prayer diary

The following prayer diary will help you keep a balanced prayer life.


– Guidance
Commit your week into God?s hands. His guidance and protection. Also pray for work colleagues that don?t know the Lord.


– The Nation
The Nation and our leaders. Specifically ask for godly counsel for those making decisions. Pray for peace and not war.
Pray for revival in our land.


– The body of Christ
Pray for Church leaders. All those involved in ministry in the body of Christ, missionaries and those in secular jobs that have the opportunities to share the gospel.


– The persecuted church
The persecuted church. Remember that many countries in Asia, Africa and South America still physically attack and sometimes kill those who call on the name of the Lord


– Your family
Your family and yourself. Pray for harmony in the home. Personal growth in the Lord and salvation of family members that do not know Jesus. Also pray that you will walk in God?s plan and calling on your life.


– The kingdom come
Take time to reflect. You, the local church, needs in the community, salvation of souls. Social needs of the under privileged. Focus on the area God lays most on your life. Consider the role you are playing in spiritually and financially supporting the body of Christ and others with similar needs.


– Local church
Prayer for the local church. Growth numerically and spiritually. Ask for the gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit to be more evidence among us.
Reference:The Living Word library , Author: Author: Dele Oke

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