I open my heart and put my faith and trust in You

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Verse of the Day

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we – are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.  II Corinthians 3:17-18 (NIV)


Dearest loving Abba Yahweh, search my heart today and see if there is anything that is keeping me from walking in unity with other believers. I choose love today. I choose peace today. I choose unity today. Help me to be an example of love to those around me. Thank You for Your peace that passes understanding. Thank You for leading and guiding me by peace. Help me to tune in to Your voice better so I can walk in the peace and protection You have for me. Lord, thank You for Your promise of protection and provision. I am Your sheep. I hear Your voice, and the voice of a stranger I will not follow. Teach me to trust You and follow Your leading all the days of my life.

Abba Father, thank You for doing a work in me, even when I don’t see it. I open my heart and put my faith and trust in You. Father, forgive me for my impatience. Forgive me to leaving You out of my life. Help me to remember that You love me and care about the details of my life. Today help me, as I wait patiently on You. Help me know and believe Your promises. Help my faith grow stronger, even today. Father, I thank You today for the crown You have placed upon my head. A crown of Your love and tender mercies. I humbly receive this gift and will wear it with gratitude and humility and a profound thankfulness. Help me become more self-aware of my true spiritual attitudes. Help me to be honest with myself and with You. Help me see if there is any offensive way in me and then lead me in a more spiritual path.

By your Spirit, help me, dear Lord, to offer all that I am to you. May all that I have and all that I am be used fully in your service and for your glory. Keep me faithful to my convictions and take away any doubts I might have concerning my faith. Thank You that You are a Holy and just God worthy of my trust. Thank You for Your promise to bless those who trust in You. If there is any discordance in my life, Lord, remove it from me. I want my life to be harmonious and beautiful, reflecting the divine music which You alone compose. Play me, Lord, that I might be Your song. Father, I want to grow in my faith. I want to grow in my knowledge of Christ. I want to grow in my relationship with You. Today, dear Lord, open my eyes that I can truly see the love You have for me. Thank You, Lord! I pray in Jesus’ precious name. Amen

Bible Promise of the Day

My Spirit will help you in your weakness. God Promises He will help us in our weakness

Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. – (Romans 8:26)

Prayer Quote of the day

If we would talk less and pray more about them, things would be better than they are in the world: at least, we should be better enabled to bear them.

Author: John Owen

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