Help me to take the time to know You

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Verse of the Day

That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day.  II Corinthians 4:16 (NLT)


Dearest loving Abba Father, today, I choose to cast my cares on You and give You the praise, glory and honor You deserve. Let joy flow through me today so that I can be a witness of Your goodness to those around me.  Father, thank You for Your Word which is alive and powerful! I set my mind on Your promises and choose to declare what You say about me. Thank You for Your faithfulness as I move forward in the good plan You have for me.  Thank You for an endless supply of joy. Thank You for fighting my battles. Thank You for delivering me from all my enemies. I will stand and see Your goodness and praise You for Your faithfulness. Thank You for making me a new creation. Thank You for empowering me to live as an overcomer. I give this day to You and ask You to help me fully understand the plan You have for me.

Abba Father, thank You for Your love for me. Thank You paying attention to me. Help me believe that You know me and are aware of who I am. Help me to appreciate that kind of personal love You have for me. Thank You Lord for noticing me. I want a deep faith like David. Help me know You in a more deep and personal way so I too will choose to trust You in my struggles. Father, I have sought Your blessings more than Your presence. I have sought what I can gain from knowing about You instead of knowing You. Help me to take the time to know You. Thank You, Father. Your presence is the blessing I seek. I’m not always as good as I know I should be. I act terrible at times. Please forgive and accept me, Lord. I love You, and I want to make You proud of me.

Thank You Lord, that through prayer I have the opportunity to communicate my concerns to You. Give me the courage today to communicate to my family that we need to not only communicate with each other but we also need to communicate daily both individually and together as a family with You. Help me to be a good listener when others are trying to communicate their needs and concerns to me. Make my heart receptive to the message that God is communicating to me when I read the Bible. Help our lives to change and help us to reach out to our friends and neighbors and lead them in the process of learning to communicate with You. Through Jesus Christ, we say this prayer. Amen

Bible Promise of the Day

Every good gift that you receive comes directly from My hand. God Promises He Has Given Us Perfect Gifts for Life

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. – (James 1:17)

Prayer Quote of the day

Our Heavenly Father always sends His children the things they ask, or better things.

Author: Richard Cecil

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