Help us to be committed to leave a godly legacy

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Verse of the Day

When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.  Psalms 94:19 (NIV)


Dearest Father God,  thank You for flooding me with Your goodness, favor and mercy. I set my heart and mind on You today, and I’m ready to receive every blessing You have in store for me. Lord, I thank You for Your presence which drives fear out of my life. I praise You today because You are good and worthy. I magnify You and receive Your grace and strength today. Lord , help me mature in You. Help me seek You more, know You more and love You more. Help me today, and every day, to do something that will help me mature in You.

All your children deserve dignity and respect. Let me give all people the respect that I would give You, Lord. Humble my heart when I feel myself looking down on those around me. Help us as to be diligent about leading and teaching our  dear ones in the ways of the Lord. Help us to be committed to leave a godly legacy, through the way we live our lives, to generations that follow.

Abba Father, I come humbly to You because I deeply respect You and Your mighty power. And yet You have called me to be the object of Your love. Help me today to completely trust You with everything I have and in everything I do. Lord. speak to my heart. Let me hear Your voice so I can live for You. I worship you, Lord, and seek to trust you today to lead me amidst the other powers that impact my daily life. Though I am tempted to believe other powers are more powerful than you—economic forces, political powers, cultural trends, global trends and personal struggles. You are the true King over all creation and I am your subject, purposely sent to declare and demonstrate your kingship over every sphere of life. I will live today reminded that you are the center of my life and the center of all reality. All praise be to you! In the marvelous name of our savior and Lord Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen

Bible Promise of the Day

Those who overcome will eat from the tree of life in paradise. God Promises a life in Paradise

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes I will give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God.(Revelation 2:7)

Prayer Quote of the day

It is not that God is stingy and must be coaxed, for He “giveth liberally and upbraideth not.” It is that we ourselves are so shallow and sinful that we need to tarry before Him until our restless natures can be stilled and the clamor of outside voices be deadened so that we can hear His voice. Such a state is not easily reached, and the men God uses have paid a price in wrestlings and prevailing prayer. But it is such men who rise from their knees confident of His power and go forth to speak with authority.

Author: Vance Havner

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