How to pray

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Bible study – How to pray

1. How can we get right with God?
Matthew 6:12
2. When should we ask God to forgive us?
Hebrews 4: 15-16
3. What does it mean to forgive others?
Use the following teaching of Jesus to bring out some practical examples?
Matthew 18: 21-35
4. How often should we pray?
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-17
5.What steps can we take to have a constant time of prayer with God? Please share some practical examples?
6. How can the following things help in our prayer times. Please give practical examples for each?

Reading the Bible silently

Reading the Bible aloud

Praying silently

Praying aloud

Praying in tongues

Praying with a group of people

Praying with your partner

Praying with a friend

Praying with all your family

Praying desperately when you need something

Praying and fasting

Praying with a cup of tea

Praying with the television switched on in the background (but with the volume turned down low so you can still hear God just in case He wants to speak)

Praying silently on your bed with your eyes closed after a hard days work
7. When is the best time you find it to pray?
Reference:The Living Word library , Author: Author: Dele Oke

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